An attempt to cover the various aspects of Ethyl and how it works
Getting Started
The first thing to consider is logging in
Visit the login link for your installation. If you are not logged in, then a login link appears in the main Ethyl navigation
Locate the email with your user data. This should contain your email, username and password
Test your login. Store these details in your computers keychain if supported
A hub for all your admin related items
A heads up of your content. Showing the total of each type of content
Most recent Drinks, Ingredients and Bottles. With links to edit and view pages
For all your drinks items, you need to start here. For more info please check the Drinks section of the Docs.
For all your dish related items, you need to start here. For more info please check the Dishes section of the Docs.
Your Profile
Check in here to edit any of your personal details, and setup some basic settings
Wherever you see this question mark icon, you can hover your cursor and a helpful tip will appear
You can also hover over most items to reveal shortcut functions, including Quick Edit
If you click Quick Edit you can edit certain fields without having to enter the full edit screen