One of the main items that help you build drinks, these should include any liquid item that you buy in, that you use in its raw form. If you intend to do anything with the bottle, then it should be added to an Ingredient.
Edit Screen
The bottle edit page is a lot simpler then the drinks page, as there is much less information to store
Category Choose which category the bottle exists in, or add a new one if needed. This will help sort stock management in as yet un-released features.
Core Stock This will also help with stock management in future versions of Ethyl. But if you know this item will always be something you stock, tick this option to save time in the future.
Price This should be the Ex VAT price of the bottle you buy, if you use more than one supplier, take the price you order from more regularly, or average the prices
Size The volume of the bottle in ML
Weight If you are a bar that measures stock in G, then enter the weight of the liquid, not including the bottle
ABV Enter the ABV of the bottle
Link Enter a URL for either ordering or reference
Flavour Notes This toggle allows you to add in notes for the Nose, Palate and Finish if you want to
Distillery Where is this product distilled, or made
Country Where is this item made
Owner Which company owns this product? This can be especially helpful when working with conglomerate owned items.
Cover Image If you have an image of the bottle, add it here, as this can help with training staff
Allergens If you know that a bottle contains a specific allergen, add it here, and Ethyl will pull that info into any drink that uses it in the future. For example most Vermouths contain Sulphites, so tick that here and it will populate on any drink using that vermouth